Telepathy, shared consciousness, higher thought forms – these and other instantaneous, in-depth, comprehensive forms of communication are all part of my reality. My teachers are nonverbal children and adults with autism. My challenge is to understand and explain the communication process that takes place between us. My dream and passion is come together with people who are willing to open themselves to these amazing individuals – to learn from them and share with them. And my hope, together with all who want to join me, is to solve the issues raised by a way of communicating that is not yet readily understood.
I started using this process years ago when I was a classroom teacher for kids with autism. Almost immediately, the students awed me with their natural ability to shift their energies and communicate at a soul level. Over the years, I came to realize that most of my students with limited verbal ability shared this gift to varying degrees. Many of them also demonstrated with extreme accuracy, either by picking the correct word card or typing out a response, that they were capable of receiving my words telepathically. Right now, when I’m on the receiving end, accepting that I’m accurately transcribing their telepathic messages is still a work in progress.
The process I use is similar to channeling or receiving information from higher realms of consciousness. Much, though not all, of the material I receive is mystical in nature and speaks of universal truths such as love, unity, and interdimensional cooperation. So instead of going directly to spirit, I share consciousness with my autistic intermediaries, whose expanded states of awareness open doors to comprehending higher levels of consciousness.
My job when sharing consciousness with these wonderful individuals is to promote, or facilitate, communication. Facilitated communication (FC) is a process in which the facilitator provides physical and emotional support to the nonverbal person. That usually takes the form of a hand or arm to hold or lean on, along with the more subtle emotional support that goes with that. But I believe the relationship also has a telepathic and energetic component that is often overlooked. The close physical contact and concentrated focus involved in the FC process aid in the formation of a shared awareness. Through the merging of thought forms and the synchronization of brain waves and sensory systems, the nonverbal person becomes better able to comprehend physical reality. In return, the process of consciousness sharing has given me, the communication facilitator, an ever expanding understanding of the universe.
Often, I lacked the time to facilitate individual students, so out of sheer frustration, I began sending out telepathic requests to people, inviting them to join consciousness with me in the evening from my home. Initially, I used the process to ask specific kids what they wanted to learn and how I could help. I also began asking them as a group, rather than as individuals, when I expected more of a universal or spiritual response to my questions.
Below is a transmission I received from a group-mind telepathy session about the telepathic process itself. I have done some very minor editing, and until I’m confident that my ego or other thought forms are not mixed in with the communication, I will continue to share the authorship and responsibility for the transcribed material.
Can you tell me about group telepathy?
Autism group-mind telepathy creates a force field to transfer quantum understanding so that it can be interpreted in a linear format. It allows random particles to align to create pictures or thought forms that can then be described using words. Much, but not all, is lost in the translation. To clarify more fully, think of a funnel. The expansiveness of the quantum experience is poured into the top of the funnel. It is slowed down as it trickles through the spout into the conscious mind. Right now only a partial understanding is possible, because that is all the conscious self can absorb. The more in tune the recipient is with subconscious awareness, the more he is able to grasp.
The expansiveness of the subconscious meanders to fit the constraints of the conscious mind. As the spout continues to widen, more of the subconscious comes through, deepening the understanding of concepts lost by to those dominated by language. Letting go of ego constraints and sharing your subconscious with individuals with severe autism accelerates the process. When you exercise this capability, your understanding of consciousness deepens.
Autistic mind telepathy sees more of the entirety of our individual and collective journey. Open your heart and ask to join consciousness with them. Acknowledge the flow between the conscious, subconscious, and super-conscious. They are ready to assist but will give you only as much as you allow or are capable of grasping. We are at home in the subconscious and super-conscious states of knowing. By merging energy with us, your funnel spout broadens, resulting in a stronger flow of information and an enhanced understanding of our respective states of awareness. Your ego-dominant reality becomes more understandable to us as altered states and direct knowing become more accessible to you.
Shared knowledge or telepathic blending of energy is a joining of minds, a linking of souls, a partnership of blended energy particles. It demands a shared vocabulary and an open awareness that the mind is separate from the body. The mind or soul exists before conception and after death and depends on the body for language-based expression. As the scope, breadth, and depth of information not dependent on words develops, the inclination of mind above matter is to create a unifying cohesiveness, magically, magnetically, and exponentially resistant to external chaos. Mutual consent, trust, and expectancy are necessary for “subconscious communion” to happen. It is a the heartfelt connection that makes telepathic communication automatic.
The participants involved merge. Together they send, receive, and interpret the data and respond to it. When listening or receiving information from higher thought forms, interference can occur, causing distortion as the person most connected to his conscious mind can unwittingly and unknowingly become dominant. Know when to lead and when to follow. It takes a tremendous amount of trust and practice. Focused intent, calm internal demeanor, and mutual focus help the flow to continue uninterrupted by outside forces. Balance is created as a “united field” of thought particles searches and clings for [the] words for expression.
The understanding of mind-to-mind subconscious merging of thought waves is in its infancy. There is no turning back for the explorers of evolutionary communication that have experienced the process.
Nonverbal souls, often diagnosed with severe autism, retain their connection to higher realms and long to teach the process to those open and willing to learn.
If you are one of those souls who is prompted to let go of your preconceived ideas and join others to openly explore and discuss all aspects of these phenomena, I would love to hear from you.