– Tested facts of life

– Truths that will deliver you from future pain

Gal 6:7, Jer 32:17-19, EccL 11:9-10, Eccl 12:1, Eph 5:14-17

1) Your life is your hands

– You can be whatever you want to be in this life. (Phil 4:13)

– We reap what we sow

– Life can be ruined/destroyed in youth.

– Life is like a coin you can spend it anyway you wish but you can only spend it once. (Eccl 11:9-10)

– This stage in life is a period of character formation.

– It is a period of foundation lying. (Pro 11:3)

– If you lay a good foundation you will rejoice later, but if not you will regret in life.

– It’s not totally wrong to be in a relationship.

– You need to find out the motives behind that relationship.

– Before you go into any relationship you need to be sure of yourself.

First are born again? If yes then every relationship has to be based on the principles of the word of God.


Pro 11:3

– It is offensive to God.

– It opens a door to demons (spirit spouses)

*Serpents will bite you and all kinds of problems will set in.

– Academic failure- your result is very important and can affect your choice of career or post graduate student.

– It leads to emotional problems you begin to fantasize (another world)

– Pre-marital sex leads to lack of trust and also most times leads to broken relationships /engagement after he has seen and tested you.

– Once you engage in pre-marital sex- there is a drive to do it again and again unless God helps you. (It is a endless pit)

– Un wanted pregnancy

– May lead to abortion and eventually to death.

– It is better to bear the shame of them to abort it.

– It leads to murder. Ex 20:13

– It gives you a painful memory.

– It leads to lack of sexual satisfaction.

– It opens you up to demonic operation if your sex partner is possessed /demonized

– Sex is an exchange of blood and life is in the blood. (body chemistry is exchange)

– It is an exchange of covenants.

– Curses are shared.

– May lead to health complications that gives you pain torments.

– It (may) bring permanent hatred/damage.

– Sexually transmitted diseases are exchanged in the process.

– Casual sex leads to casual love.

– The more a man’s need for is satisfied outside marriage, the less need he has for marriage.

– Love and infatuations experiences strong passion and sexual urges but love exhibits self-control while infatuation is in a hurry.

– The best gift you can give to your husband on your wedding night is your virginity not “experience gotten from other men”

Ingredients of good relationship

Integrity, trust-worthless for a healthy relationship; Avoid dishonesty, it quenches love and destroys intimacy.

Three most important decisions in the life a single:

1. The decision to surrender totally to God and serve him faithfully by becoming born again.

2. Decision to discover and fellow Gods purpose for your life – have a vision of Gods plan for your life.

3. The decision of whom to marry.

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